February 2016

Provision of Field Hook-Up Supervisors for COMPLEMENTAR 3 DE GOLFINHO PROJECT

Vessel name: FPSO Cidade de Vitória "Golfinho Field" -  Client: Saipem. 

FPSO Cidade de Vitoria


The "FPSO Cidade de Vitoria" is a Floating Production Storage and Offloading Unit ( c.d. FPSO); it is a ship or floating craft used for oil production offshore.                           It is a type of ship used in the oil industry for the production and storage of oil and / or gas and the distribution of the oil produced on support vessels. They are used in production sites distant from the coast can not be reached by oil or gas.

A ship receives oil or gas from an oil rig or an underwater production wells. The ship  stores and treats the production waiting for a tanker to load it with a buoy a few kilometers away and transfer it to a port.

A ship possesses numerous systems of treatment and separation of the different types of oil, and a dynamic positioning system when weather conditions are unfavorable. Must be able to operate autonomously according to its localization in the outer zones.